• Flumph
    • Star Spawn Grue
      Star Spawn Grue
        • Core Spawn Crawler
          • Berbalang
                • Star Spawn Mangler
                • Red Slaad
          • Young Neogi
            • Neogi
              • Neogi Master
    • Young Gazer
      Young Gazer
      • Gazer
          • Nothic
            • Spectator
                  • Gauth
                • Mindwitness
    • Young Gnome Squidling
      Young Gnome Squidling
      • Gnome Squidling
        Gnome Squidling
          • Lesser Gnome Ceremorph
                • Gnome Ceremorph
                    • Mind Flayer
          • Intellect Devourer
                • Greater Intellect Devourer
A magical, purple F floats to life from a book!
  • Monodrone
    • Duodrone
        • Hypnos Magen
          • Demos Magen
            • Galvan Magen
                  • Onyx Synthfolk
                      • Onyx Magistrate
                  • Hollow Knight
      • Tridrone
        • Quadrone
          • Pentadrone
            • Bronze Golem
                • Junk Golem
                    • Armory Golem
            • Wood Golem
                • Ice Golem
                  • Magnesium Golem
    • Animated Jade Serpent
      • Anvilwrought Raptor
        • Clockwork Drake
          • Clockwork Hound
              • Clockwork Beast
                • Clockwork Tiger
                • Clockwork Mantis
        • Clockwork Soldier
            • Clockwork Hunter
                  • Clockwork Assassin
                  • Clockwork Myrmidon
    • Sentient Sword
        • Greater Sentient Item
A magical, purple F floats to life from a book!
  • Twig Blight
    • Needle Blight
      • Vine Blight
        • Lesser Plantoid
          • Plantoid
            • Plantoid King
                    • Vine King
                      • Vine Abductor
                  • Forest Nymph
                    • Greenmaster
                  • Bloom Hydra
                      • Splinter Drake
      • Tri Flower Pod
        • Dryad
    • Myconid Sproutling
      • Myconid Adult
          • Myconid Sovereign
              • Myconid Deathcap
    • Vegepigmy
          • Vegepigmy Chief
                • Cerebric Fungus
                    • Ophio Fungus
                • Mi-go
        • Thorny
A magical, purple F floats to life from a book!
A magical, purple F floats to life from a book!