Cost | Advancement | Effect |
1 | Gain Simple Class feature | Gain a single class feature of a class you have access to. The level of the feature can’t exceed the level you have Advanced to in that class. A Simple Class feature is something that doesn’t scale as you gain levels in that class or that scales poorly (such as Second Wind). |
1 | Develop Sense | Gain a basic sense such as sight or hearing |
1 | Develop Speech | Gain the ability to speak |
2 | Improve Proficiency | Gain Proficiency in an Ability/Tool/Trade/Vehicle/Weapon/Armor |
2 | Improve Appraise Proficiency | Gain Proficient Appraise or improve it to Expert Appraise |
2 | Improve Status Proficiency | Gain Proficient Status or improve it to Expert Status |
2 | Improve Sage Proficiency | Gain Proficient Sage or improve it to Expert Sage |
2 | Remember lesser Ability | Locks in a lesser ability from your current or past Darkling forms |
3 | Advance Class | Increase your level in a Class you have access to |
3 | Remember greater Ability | Locks in a greater ability from your current or past Darkling forms |
3 | Gain Advanced Class Feature | Gain a class feature that scales with level belonging to a class you have access to. This advancement allows you to access iconic features such as Rage and Bardic Inspirations or powerful abilities such as Divine Smite, or simple spellcasting such as the Ranger’s or Paladin’s, but not Major Spellcasting such as the Wizard’s. |
4 | Access Class | Gain access to a Class |
4 | Gain Feat | Gain a Feat |
5 | Gain Major Spellcasting | Gain full spellcasting progression in a class you have access to that is a major caster class (Wizard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Bard…). The level of spellcasting is equal to a member of that class with level equal to your access level in that class. |