• Flumph
    • Star Spawn Grue
      Star Spawn Grue
        • Core Spawn Crawler
          • Berbalang
                • Star Spawn Mangler
                • Red Slaad
          • Young Neogi
            • Neogi
              • Neogi Master
    • Young Gazer
      Young Gazer
      • Gazer
          • Nothic
            • Spectator
                  • Gauth
                • Mindwitness
    • Young Gnome Squidling
      Young Gnome Squidling
      • Gnome Squidling
        Gnome Squidling
          • Lesser Gnome Ceremorph
                • Gnome Ceremorph
                    • Mind Flayer
          • Intellect Devourer
                • Greater Intellect Devourer
A magical, purple F floats to life from a book!
Cost Advancement Effect
1 Gain Simple Class feature Gain a single class feature of a class you have access to.
The level of the feature can’t exceed the level you have Advanced to in that class.
A Simple Class feature is something that doesn’t scale as you gain levels in that class or that scales poorly (such as Second Wind).
1 Develop Sense Gain a basic sense such as sight or hearing
1 Develop Speech Gain the ability to speak
2 Improve Proficiency Gain Proficiency in an Ability/Tool/Trade/Vehicle/Weapon/Armor
2 Improve Appraise Proficiency  Gain Proficient Appraise or improve it to Expert Appraise
2 Improve Status Proficiency Gain Proficient Status or improve it to Expert Status
2 Improve Sage Proficiency Gain Proficient Sage or improve it to Expert Sage
2 Remember lesser Ability Locks in a lesser ability from your current or past Darkling forms
3 Advance Class Increase your level in a Class you have access to
3 Remember greater Ability Locks in a greater ability from your current or past Darkling forms
3 Gain Advanced Class Feature Gain a class feature that scales with level belonging to a class you have access to.
This advancement allows you to access iconic features such as Rage and Bardic Inspirations or powerful abilities such as Divine Smite, or simple spellcasting such as the Ranger’s or Paladin’s, but not Major Spellcasting such as the Wizard’s.
4 Access Class Gain access to a Class
4 Gain Feat Gain a Feat
5 Gain Major Spellcasting Gain full spellcasting progression in a class you have access to that is a major caster class (Wizard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Bard…).
The level of spellcasting is equal to a member of that class with level equal to your access level in that class.
Feat  Prerequisite  Description 
Actor +1 in Cha., advantage on Deception and Performance checks, mimic the speech of a person or the sounds made by a creature.
Alert +5 to initiative, you can’t be surprised, and creatures you don’t see don’t gain advantage on attack roll against you.
Artificer Initiate You learn one cantrip and one 1st-level artificier spell (cast without slot), proficiency with one type of artisan’s tools.
Athlete +1 in Str. or Dex., you stand up and climb more quickly, and you can jump with only a 5-ft run.
Blood Magic The ability to cast at least one spell Sacrifice hit points and regain spell slots of level 5 or lower.
Charger As part of the Dash action you can make a melee attack with a +5 bonus if you move at least 10 ft before.
Chef +1 in Con. or Wis., proficiency with cook’s utensils and cook special food to regain hp.
Competent +1 in one ability and you gain proficiency in one skill using this ability.
Crossbow Expert You ignore the loading property of crossbows and don’t have disadvantage for being in contact with a creature when you shoot.
Crusher +1 in Str. or Con., 5 ft extra move when you hit (bludgeoning) and attacks with advantage after a critical hit.
Defensive Duelist Dexterity 13 or higher You can add you proficiency bonus to your AC if you are wielding a finesse weapon.
Dual Wielder +1 to CA if you’re wielding a melee weapon in each hand, two-weapon fighting with non-light weapon, draw two weapons.
Dungeon Delver Advantage to Perception and Investigation checks, to saving throws vs traps, and search for traps at normal pace.
Durable +1 in Con. and for each Hit Dice you regain a minimum of hit points equals to 2 x your Constitution modifier.
Eldritch Adept Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature You learn one Eldritch Invocation.
Elemental Adept The ability to cast at least one spell Your spells ignore resistance to a damage type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder) and treat any 1 in damage as a 2.
Expert +1 in one ability and you gain expertise in one skill you are proficient in and that is using this ability.
Fey Touched +1 in Int., Wis., or Cha., and you learn misty step and one 1st-level spell from divination or enchantment school.
Fighting Initiate Proficiency with a martial weapon You learn one Fighting Style option from the fighter class.
Grappler Strength 13 or higher You have advantage on attack rolls when grappling, and can try to restrained a creature grappled by you.
Great Weapon Master Extra attack after a melee critical hit and you can choose to take -5 to attack roll to add +10 to damage with an heavy weapon.
Gunner +1 in Dex., proficiency with firearms, ignore loading property of firearms and no disadvantage to attacks within 5 ft.
Healer You can stabilize a creature and restore it to 1 hp, or restore [1d6+4+its number of Hit Dice] hp to it.
Heavily Armored Proficiency with medium armor +1 in Str. and you gain proficiency with heavy armor.
Heavy Armor Master Proficiency with heavy armor +1 in Str. and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage are reduced by 3 if you are wearing an heavy armor.
Inspiring Leader Charisma 13 or higher Up to 6 creatures within 30 ft of you can gain temporary hp equal to your level + your Cha. modifier.
Keen Mind +1 in Int., you know which way is north, when is the next sunrise/sunset, and recall any events within the past month.
Lightly Armored +1 in Str. or Dex. and you gain profociency with light armor.
Linguist +1 in Int., you learn three languages, and you can ably create ciphers.
Lucky You can reroll one d20 or force to reroll an attack roll against you (3/long rest).
Mage Slayer You can use a reaction to make a melee attack against a spellcaster and advantage on saving throws against spell within 5 ft.
Magic Initiate You learn two cantrips and one 1st-level spell from one class.
Martial Adept You learn two maneuvers from Battle Master archetype and gain one superiority die (d6).
Medium Armor Master Proficiency with medium armor No disadvantage to Stealth checks wearing medium armor and Dexterity bonus max to +3 instead of +2.
Metamagic Adept Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature You learn two metamagic options and gain 2 sorcery points.
Mobile Your speed increase by 10 ft, you can Dash on difficult terrain without malus, and don’t provoke opportunity attacks in melee.
Moderately Armored Proficiency with light armor +1 in Str. or Dex. and you gain proficiency with medium armor and shields.
Mounted Combatant Advantage on melee attacks against unmounted creature and force an attack to target you instead of your mount.
Observant +1 in Int. or Wis., you can read on lips, and you have a +5 bonus in passive Perception and passive Investigation.
Piercer +1 in Str. or Dex., reroll one damage dice when you hit (piercing) and one additional damage dice in case of critical hit.
Poisoner Proficiency with poisoner’s kit, apply as a bonus action and your attacks ignore resistance to poison damage.
Polearm Master You can make an extra attack with a polearm weapon, and make an opportunity attack if a creature enter your reach.
Resilient +1 in one ability and you gain proficiency in saving throws using this ability.
Ritual Caster Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher You have a ritual book with two 1-st level ritual spells from one class and you can later on add other ritual spells you found.
Savage Attacker You can reroll melee weapon attack damage once per turn.
Sentinel A successful OA reduce creature’s speed to 0 for this turn and possibility to make an OA even if the ennemy take Disengage.
Shadow Touched +1 in Int., Wis., or Cha., and you learn invisibility and one 1st-level spell from illusion or necromancy school.
Sharpshooter Your ranged attacks ignore some cover, no disavantage at long range, and possibility to take -5 to hit for +10 on ranged damage.
Shield Master Attack also allows to shove, shield bonus to Dex. saving throws againts spells, and no 1/2 damage on successful saving throw.
Skill Expert +1 in one ability, proficiency in one skill and expertise in one other in which you have proficiency.
Skilled You gain proliciency with three skills or tools.
Skulker Dexterity 13 or higher Ranged weapon attack doesn’t reveal your position and possibility to hide in a lighlly obscured area.
Slasher +1 in Str. or Dex., reduce target’s speed by 10 ft when you hit (slashing) and target has disadvantage on attacks rolls.
Spell Sniper The ability to cast at least one spell Offensive spell’s range doubled, these spells ignore some cover, and you learn one offensive cantrip.
Tavern Brawler +1 in Str. or Con., proficiency with improvised weapons, d4 for unarmed strike, and grapple with a bonus action.
Telekinetic +1 in Int., Wis., or Cha., you learn mage hand and you can try to telekinetically shove one creature (5 ft).
Telepathic +1 in Int., Wis., or Cha., you can cast detect thoughts and you can speak telepathically to any creature within 60 ft.
Tough Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your level then by +2 at each level.
War Caster The ability to cast at least one spell You have advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration and you can cast some spells as part of an OA with a reaction.
Weapon Master +1 in Str. or Dex. and you gain proficiency with four weapons.
Class Requirement
Barbarian Must have Proficiency in Martial Weapons and do at least 2:
Abandon yourself to rage
Kill a creature of at least equal CR in melee combat
Take bloody revenge on somebody that wronged you
Bard Must have Proficiency in Performance and do at least 2:
Play for a crowd
Make friend of an enemy
Seduce a creature
Cleric Must be at least Liked by the Deity and do at least 2:
Obtain their holy symbol worth at least 25gp
Lead a ritual of theirs
Learn of them
Druid Must have Proficiency in Nature and do at least 2:
Protect the natural balance from a threat 
Live in the wilds for at least a week, without aid
Learn Druidic from a Druid
Fighter Must have any weapon or armor Proficiency and do at least 2:
Have another weapon and armor Proficiency
Defeat a creature with a weapon
Drop to 50% hp or less in a fight and win without fleeing
Monk Must have Proficiency in Athletics or Acrobatics and do at least 2:
Control your emotions and meditate for a week
Defeat a creature with your bare hands
Have both Athletics and Acrobatics Proficiency
Paladin Must have Proficiency in Heavy Armor and do at least 2:
Have either Religion, Persuasion, or Insight Proficiency.
Stand by your Ideal even if it comes to harm you
Inspire others to follow your Ideal
Ranger Must have Proficiency in Survival and do at least 2:
Have either Animal handling or a weapon Proficiency
Live in the wilds for at least a week, without aid
Hunt or be hunted by a Beast or Monstrosity
Rogue Must have Proficiency in Stealth and do at least 2:
Steal something worth at least 25gp
Avoid a Deadly encounter using guile or Stealth
Disarm a trap
Sorcerer Must be born a Sorcerer (0,1%) or do at least 1:
Eat a magical item (1% chance)
Be subject to a magical effect of a powerful (CR 9+) monster (20% chance, +5% per CR above 9)
Gain access through a Wish-like effect (100% chance)
Warlock Must have Proficiency in History and do at least 2:
Learn the story of your Patron
Meet them or have a long Rest in their Demesne, temple, or prison
Desire power at any cost
Wizard Must have Proficiency in Arcana and do at least 2:
Study magic for at least 6% of your lifespan
Obtain a Grimoire
Be able to cast at least 1 Cantrip and 1 level 1 Spell
Resistance to Psionics, mind-affecting effects and psychic damage, due to their alien minds.