Medium construct, lawful neutral

11 (+0)13 (+1)12 (+1)6 (-2)10 (+0)7 (-2)

Axiomatic Mind. The duodrone can’t be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its instructions.

Disintegration. If the duodrone dies, its body disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its weapons and anything else it was carrying. The Darkling can suppress and activate this power at will, even when his body is unconcious.


Multiattack. The duodrone makes two fist attacks or two javelin attacks.

Fist. {@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) bludgeoning damage.

Javelin. {@atk mw,rw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d6 + 1}) piercing damage.